source is maintained in an industrial strength database with full transactional integrity.
Most SCM tools use simple flat files in which to store your source and versioning information,
this leads to very limited scalability situations and is complicated by security and other
file system related problems.
Your source can be in
any format you want, be it text, binary, graphics or web pages to name but a few.
Of course, since most source
code is text there are some features specific to enhancing text file development processes -
i. A full featured graphical editor with instant file version selection. ii. A color-enhanced, side-by-side difference viewer. iii. Side-by-side difference viewer can also be operated in an "assisted merge" mode to aid merging 2 versions of code together. |
Complete set of source code management utilities including: |
Check in | |
Common (Across branches) | |
Uncommon (Main line) | |
Check out | |
Read-only | |
Edit common(top version) | |
Edit uncommon(branching) | |
Recommon (branch merging) | |
Merge (branch reconciliation without branch termination) | |
Complete set of release management tools including
i. Change Requests (CR) (for issue tracking) ii. Tight correlation between CRs and the files that are edited under them. iii. Releases - map to a list of CRs and therefore to a set of specific file versions. iv. Generics - A branch in the source where customizations have had to be performed off of the main development track. |
Complete set of reports for both the
developers and the managers.
Some examples include |
Report on CRs currently assigned to a user | |
Report on CRs assigned to a release | |
Report of all CRs assigned to a user within specified date | |
List all CRs created by a user for a given date range | |
Report all assigned CRs by state, severity and/or date | |
Report all CRs currently outstanding | |
Report all CRs currently outstanding at specified severity | |
Report all files currently checked out for edit by a user | |