Welcome to SpectrumSCM
Table of Contents
General Installation Instructions
Windows Installation Instructions
Solaris-Sparc Installation Instructions
Macintosh specific Instructions
Upgrade Instructions
Post Installation Information
Applet Usage Information
SCM Quick-Start and Tutorial
SCM Security Features
General installation instructions
If you have received a SpectrumSCM installation CD, the product comes bundled with some Java Virtual Machines (JVM's),
which were up to date when the CD was made. JavaTM (Sun Microsystems, Inc) however is a fast evolving platform and
therefore Spectrum Software recommends that you download the latest JVM from your OS/JVM provider (1.4.2 or later).
If you have downloaded the installer directly from the website, Untar/Unzip the downloaded file to a temporary directory. You
need to have a recommended JVM installed on your machine before you can install the product. The download page on our
website contains links to recommended JVMs for some of the popular OS platforms.
Once you have Java 1.4.2 or the latest JVM installed -
change directory to the CD drive or the directory that contains the installer files and run
java -jar install.jar
On Windows based systems, double clicking the install.jar file will launch the installer
NOTE: The SpectrumSCM server installation includes the user interface software too, there is no need to install both.
If you want to install and use one of the bundled JVMs on the CD, use the
following instruction set for your OS platform.
Windows installation instructions
1) Inserting the SpectrumSCM CD should trigger the auto-installer,
please wait while the installer initializes.
2) If the auto-installer does not trigger run the install.bat
script from the CD.
Solaris-Sparc installation instructions
1) Mount the CD-ROM by inserting the CD into the system.
2) Using an Xterm window, change directory to the CD-ROM mount point.
3) Execute the following command: java -jar install.jar
Macintosh specific instructions
1) Mount the CD-ROM by inserting the CD into the system.
2) Double click the install.jar icon to begin the installation.
On Macintosh OS_10.1 and 10.2 systems you can enable double click starting
of the server and or client by simply renaming the shell scripts for either
of these items. Open a terminal window or use the Finder to navigate to the
SCM installation directory. In the bin directory there are shell scripts that
can be used from the terminal window to start the client and or server.
Copy one or both to the same name with the extension .command
The command extension informs the Finder that it should execute these
commands from within a terminal window.
Upgrade instructions
If you are upgrading from a previous installation of SpectrumSCM, here is what
you need to do for a "clean" upgrade:
1) Request all the clients to logout. Stop the SSCM server
2) Make a backup of the <SpectrumSCM_Install_Dir>/SCM_VAR directory
3) Download the latest version of the software from www.spectrumscm.com
4) Untar/Unzip the file you downloaded to a temporary directory
5) On Windows based systems, double-click the install.jar file to launch the installer.
On Unix based systems, cd to the extract directory and run java -jar install.jar
6) Choose the SpectrumSCM Server option and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the server upgrade
7) If you have local client installations, you have to update the installation on these machines
Choose the SpectrumSCM GUI option to upgrade the client installations.
8) If you have a WebStart setup, you need to update the webpages. Re-run java -jar install.jar, choose the
Webpages option and follow the on-screen instructions
9) Start the server, bring up a client instance and check if things are in order
If you are using the Eclipse integration, you need to upgrade the corresponding plugin.
Check the Eclipse specific installation instructions on the download page to upgrade the plugin
Post installation information
1) The initial access user id and password is "scm", "scm".
2) When new users are created they are given the password
Applet usage information
1) If the web server pages are installed in directory X on the web
server W relative
to the web server main page, then the URL to access SpectrumSCM would be
http://W/X/scmIntro.html. Note that if the SpectrumSCM pages are installed in
the main page directory then X will be nothing, resulting in the URL
2) Due to Java applet security controls, for SpectrumSCM to access
the local hard-
disk for operations such as check-out or read in from disk, a Java security popup
will be presented, accept this to allow SpectrumSCM to function fully. If this
certificate is not granted accesses to the local disk will be forbidden and
errors will
occur whenever such an operation is attempted.
Note that the hostname supplied in the applet installation is the name that is used in the
HTML to contact the server from the client. Therefore the client will need to be able to
ping that name/address. Modifications to the hosts/lmhosts files might be
necessary to
achieve successful communications.
** The files scm.html and scmLogin.html contain control variables that
pass the name or IP address of the SCMServer to the Applet when it executes.
These variables are assigned during the installation of the SCM Web pages software.
If the address of the SCM Server changes, these control variables must also
be changed to reflect the new information about the server location and port.
In particular, the variable name HOST VALUE and PORT VALUE must match
the actual host name and or IP as well as the default port number of the
server machine must be reflected in these variables.
SCM Quick-Start and Tutorial
Included with the SpectrumSCM product is a quick-start and tutorial. This is
available off of the UI main menu help option. Specifically this will connect
to the SpectrumSCM web-site to get the latest most upto date information. If
for some reason you would prefer to have the tutorial information locally it
is provided also on the installation CD, in the tutorial sub-directory.
The tutorial is in HTML format for easy viewing with any standard browser.
To use the tutorial locally, through the application, you will need to modify the
server control parameter scm.tutorial. This can be done through the Server
Configuration Wizard
The line is formatted as:
scm.tutorial file:/DriveOrNetworkPath/YourHomeDirectory/Tutorial/scmstart.htm
- For Windows systems Include the drive letter or network path.
- There is no need to use reverse slashes for the path on Windows systems.
- Spaces in the file path need to be replaced with %20 for proper encription.
For example (on Windows):
scm.tutorial file:/C:/SCM_INSTALL_DIR/help/Tutorial/scmstart.htm
Or like this for Unix platforms:
scm.tutorial file:/SCM_INSTALL_DIR/help/Tutorial/scmstart.htm
Note, the tutorial is also available directly off of the SpectrumSCM main web-page under
the "Getting Started" link.
SCM Security Features
SpectrumSCM offers a variety of security features to protect the assets it
manages. These features fall into two groups, access control and
communications security.
Access Control
SpectrumSCM employs a traditional account-based access model. The
SpectrumSCM administrator role is responsible for creating user accounts.
These accounts are protected by a login/password pair which usually must
be provided when a user logs into the application. This is the default
application security model, additional Access Control is configured through
the server configuration wizard (or by editing the file
<SCM Runtime Directory>/etc/security/accessControl).
Location Control
SpectrumSCM provides an additional level of security based on the
user's workstation's hostname (or IP address if unavailable). A user
can be restricted to logging into the application from specific hosts.
This feature is called Location Control; to enable it a "doAccess"
line must appear in the accessControl file followed by "access" lines
specifying allowed user/workstation combinations:
access user1 workstation1
access user2 workstation2
With location control turned on only those users specified can log into
the SpectrumSCM system. Even valid users attempting to login from workstations
other than those specified in the accessControl file will be denied, even if
they supply a valid password!
Unauthenticated Commandline Access
SpectrumSCM provides a UNIX-style command line interface for accessing
many of its features, however the user is usually required to provide the
login/password pair to authenticate herself to SpectrumSCM. This may
prove to be unnecessarily tedious to when typing in a sequence of commands
or incompatible for some activities (automated checking out of files by
a nightly build script); therefore SpectrumSCM provides a mecahnism to
relax security by allowing unauthenticated, command line access by
users at specific workstations. This feature is called Unauthenticated
Commandline Access; to enable it a "doUnauth" line must appear in the
accessControl file followed by "unauth" lines specifying allowed
user/workstation combinations:
unauth user1 workstation1
unauth user2 workstation2
Users executing command line functions from their corresponding workstations
as configured in the accessControl file will not be required to provide
a password. Administrators should exercise caution when configuring this
feature, and use it sparingly, if at all.
NOTE: Whereas Location Control tightens security, Unauthenticated Commandline
Access relaxes security; in addition, Location Control takes precedence over
Unauthenticated Commandline Access.
Communications Security
SpectrumSCM provides a means to protect its communications so that assets
may be checked out, modified, and checked in securely. By default,
SpectrumSCM operates in an open mode, which is generally acceptable for use
on a corporate intranet. This mode is the most efficient and appropriate for a
majority of installations.
However, it may be necessary to use SpectrumSCM across an uncontrolled,
insecure network (such as the Internet). In this situation, SpectrumSCM
should be configured to protect its communications, which is accomplished via
SSL (Secure Socket Layer, a standard developed by
Netscape and approved by the Internet Engineering Task Force as a standard).
Secured communications is not accomplished without a price - overall
responses will be slower due to additional encryption/decryption processing
at both ends of the connection. In addition, the administrator must obtain
an SSL key and configure SpectrumSCM accordingly.
Once the administrator has obtained an SSL key, the configuration file
must be edited to use it, this is done through the server configuration wizard
or by directly editing SCM Runtime Directory>/etc/scm.properties.
The last section of the file pertains to SSL; the
should be "true" and the other properties, particularly
the SSL keystore (where the SSL key is stored) and the password that
protects it must be provided.
Once the server has been properly configured, the SpectrumSCM clients may
connect by supplying the SSL option. Turning on the SSL option is performed
through the UI Configuration Wizard or by supplying -ssl on the command